Saturday, April 11, 2009

Why You Want to Stop Thumb Sucking Today


According to University of Michigan, 15% of 4 year olds suck
their thumbs. While this may not seem to be a problem right now,
some serious issues may develop, as your child grows older. The
older a child gets, the harder it becomes to break the thumb
sucking habits they form as babies.

Thumb sucking is a natural reflex action in babies and as they
grow older, this action tends to serve alternate functions.
Through the act of thumb sucking, the baby feels more safe,
secure and confident about exploring their world. If allowed to
continue unchecked, it can cause problems with the teeth and the
normal growth of the mouth, as well as the roof of the mouth.

A lot of this depends on the intensity of the thumb sucking.
Excessive thumb sucking can lead to:

1. A Lisp - Thumb sucking can push the front teeth out of their
normal alignment and when this happens, the child will
experience difficulty in forming certain sounds.

2. Buck Teeth - By pushing the front teeth out of their proper
place, the shape of the face may be altered and create an open

3. Poor Jaw Development - Because of the alteration of the
position of the teeth, the jaw may not grow properly and not
develop properly.

4. Swallowing Issues - Excessive thumb sucking can change the
swallowing habit of the child over time as well.

Thumb sucking may also lead to some minor physical problems: 1.
Chapped Lips 2. Infections from dirty thumbs and fingers 3.
Calluses 4. Fingernail Infections

None of these are overly serious, but you may see them increase
in frequency as the child ages. This is also a good sign of
excessive thumb sucking.

If you notice any changes in the shape or in how your child’s
baby teeth are forming, it’s time to take your child to the
dentist for consultation on what is happening. Thumb sucking is
a normal behavior for infants and children up to the age of
three and most children stop the habit on their own. If it
persists past the age of three, parental intervention may be
needed to stop it.

About the author:
Dina Mauro is a leading advocate on helping parents work with
their child to successfully href=>stop thumb sucking. Mauro
believes and has proven that there is a safe, professionally
supported, non-medical and even FUN alternative to href=>stop thumb sucking, that
she provides through My Special Shirt.

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