Tuesday, April 7, 2009

15 Breast Feeding Benefits

Author: Michael Gunn

Of all things a mother can do for her child, breast feeding is
on the top of the list. Breast feeding benefits are
overwhelmingly numerous in counts and prove to be the best thing
for your new born baby.

Not only is the breast feeding benefits good for your new born
baby, but they amount to a substantial and healthy adult life as
well. Among many women today, breast feeding is on a decline.
Young new mothers are being told that breast feeding benefits
are a thing of the past and are seamlessly duplicated in
formula. This is by far wrong and inconsistent with studies.

There are fifteen breast feeding benefits below; however, these
are not the only ones. There are countless others that show
breast feeding benefits and how it affects a child.

1. Antibodies and nutrients are mixed perfectly in breast milk
for a new born baby.

2. As a baby grows, it needs a change in nutrition. The mother’s
body keeps up with this change and produces breast milk to
complete the baby’s needs, whereas formula does not.

3. Gastroenteritis protection along with other gastrointestinal

4. Proven to have less chance of diarrhea and vomiting. These
symptoms cause infant deaths more than you would think.

5. Childhood diabetes risk reduction

6. Upset stomachs, colic and constipation are common among
babies that feed on formula. One of the breast feeding benefits
is less risk of these happening.

7. Lower risk of teeth that decay

8. Bone density increase. This is especially important in girls.

9. Later in life, heart disease is a lower risk.

10. One of the most important breast feeding benefits is bonding
with a child. The warm and comfort a baby feels when breast
feeding is truly amazing.

11. Childhood obesity is less risk

12. Proven to have a higher IQ by 10-12 points

13. Facial structuring is more defined when breast feeding. They
use their facial muscles more and develop a straighter set of
teeth as well.

14. Iron deficiency and Vitamin E deficiency are at less of a
risk due to it being one of the breast feeding benefits.

15. Another very important benefit is the first milk, called the
colostrum. This milk coats the baby’s gastrointestinal tract to
prevent many bacteria from entering in and causing harm.

Major breast feeding benefits go to the mother as well. They
also get to partake in the benefits by bonding with the child
early on. It is reported that many mothers feel closer with
their baby when they breast feed rather than not. The mother
will also experience a faster weight loss when breast feeding,
as well as reducing the risk for cervical, breast, and other

One of the biggest plagues of women as they get older is
osteoporosis. This risk is also reduced when you breast feed.
There are also many breast feeding benefits that have not been
listed her that a mother will experience. Overall, it is a great
experience for both the mother and the child. More information
can be found in the links provided.

About the author:
Michael Gunn offers a wide variety of products for breast
feeding, as well as much needed advice and tips for the mother
and child. Visit http://www.DoubleBreastPumps.com!

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