Saturday, April 11, 2009

Autism Wars

Author: Bette Dowdell

Wanna choose sides in the latest autism war?

One side says the mother’s lack of Vitamin D during pregnancy
causes autism, while the other side says it’s the glutamate
that’s in the many immunization shots babies and young children

Let’s take a look-see.

Autism comes from brain inflammation. Mothers noticed a link
with immunizations. Since mercury, a known brain inflammatory,
came in each shot, a campaign to get rid of mercury raged–and

But the incidence of autism continued its rapid growth.

Aluminum is part of immunizations, too. It’s part of the brain
inflammation problem, too. It’s harder to remove than mercury,
though, because it’s part and parcel of the immunization’s
function, not just an additive that helps with delivery. And it
causes less inflammation without the presence of mercury.

While the experts tussle over aluminum, they ignore another
brain poison, glutamate. Glutamate, well-known as a big time
participant in the brain inflammation game, forms part of the
delivery mechanism, not the function, of immunizations. Removal
won’t change the efficacy (another subject for another day) of
the immunization. Even so, removal poses a technical challenge,
and denial runs high.

I’m guessing the medical community will line up on the
blame-the-mother side. Not that they check Vitamin D levels
during pregnancy, but blaming the mother is a time-honored
tradition. Besides, that leaves them off the hook of having to
justify all the immunizations–not to mention their component

But how will they hide the 500-pound gorilla in the middle of it
all? Glutamate is an excitotoxin, meaning it revs up the brain
to toxic levels, and the resulting brain inflammation damages
the hypothalamus. Babies are particularly susceptible; glutamate
can irreversibly ravage a young hypothalamus.

And what does the hypothalamus do that makes this such a big
deal? The hypothalamus controls both the endocrine system and
the nervous system–i. e. pretty much everything that goes on in
our bodies; this is no small matter.

As to the other side of the argument: Since everybody needs
Vitamin D, mothers, be sure to take Vitamin D3 (the absorbable
version) during pregnancy and beyond. It’s good for the heart,
diabetes, arthritis, and on, and on. Take a good
multi-vitamin/mineral capsule, too. (It’s not a good practice to
take a single vitamin without at least a little of the others.)

In addition, for sure and for certain, demand (not request,
suggest or pretty please) some serious attention to the
glutamate in immunizations, flu shots, tetanus shots, etc. It
inflames adult brains, too, you know.

Also insist that medicine prove, with scientific studies not
biased toward the immunization model, the medical necessity of
so many immunizations given in such rapid succession to
vulnerable babies.

Finally, overwhelm Congress with demands that they follow
science, not politics, in their edicts. I know that sounds like
yelling at a brick wall, but if we don’t fight for our children,
who will?

“Just what the doctor ordered” can mean your children never
reach their inborn potential.

About the author:
Bette Dowdell is not a doctor, nor does she purport to be one.
She’s a patient who’s been studying the endocrine system and
successfully handling her own endocrine problems for more than
30 years. She offers teleseminars to explain the endocrine
system, discuss things –food, cosmetics, water, etc.–that damage
it, suggest vitamins, minerals, amino acids, herbs and super
foods that help and answer questions. Check her out at

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