Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Important: Breast Feeding Advice

Author: Michael Gunn

When it comes to breast feeding advice, there is good breast
feeding advice and there is some bad feeding advice. A new
mother is not going to be able to tell the difference between a
good and bad, so this article is here to dispel any bad advice
that may be given.

Unfortunately, many people are constantly taking the bad breast
feeding advice because it is given by reliable sources. Most of
the times it is friends and family and sometimes even nurses.
Surely you would think they know what they are talking about.
The truth is they may want to give good advice and not know it
is wrong.

The first bit of breast feeding advice falls into the category
on when your baby is full. Many new mothers are told to watch
the clock. To many people, it is all about watching the clock
and at a certain time, stop feeding the baby.

Believe it or not, you will know when the baby is done because
they will do one of two things. They will either stop nursing or
turn away from the breast, or, they will fall asleep. A baby’s
body is preprogrammed to tell it when it has enough of something
and when it needs more. If you are on a times schedule, you
could be denying your baby nutritional values. So, watching the
clock is no good breast feeding advice.

Many people also come across the advice to not nurse less than
every three hours. This is horrible advice. Although many
people’s intentions are good, their advice is not.

A baby should be eating roughly every two hours. This not only
keeps the baby full but ensures they are getting the vitamins
and nutrients they need. Of course, the baby will go through
growing spurts and also those times that they will eat less. It
is best to reply on the baby’s body to tell it what the baby
needs. The only time feeding should be a concern is when there
is a drastic change or the baby is not eating at all.

Another misconception when it comes to breast feeding advice is
the notion that you have to prepare your nipples for
breastfeeding. This is not the case by any means. The only thing
that a mother should be doing is putting Lansinoh cream on their

This cream should be applied directly on the nipple. This does
not have to be rubbed off before breast feeding either. Your
breasts and nipples were specifically made for breast feeding.
It is natural and there is no other substitution needed. Use a
warm wash cloth with water and without soap to clean your breast.

Give your babies cereal in a bottle so they will sleep better
through the night is another bad breast feeding advice that is
heard. A baby, when breast feeding, will need no other food
supply for the first six months of their life. Breast milk is
the best thing for a newborn and will supply them with what they
need. Find out more about breast feeding tips in the links

About the author:
Michael Gunn offers a wide variety of products for breast
feeding, as well as much needed advice and tips for the mother
and child. Visit http://www.!

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