Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Infant Potty Training and Conventional Potty Training - What's the Difference Between Them?

Author: Charndra Josling

Comparing Elimination Communication With Baby Swimming Lessons Will Help You Tell Them Apart Easily...

In a nutshell, Infant Potty Training is a cooperative process involving managing baby's hygiene usually in combination with cloth diapers. Diapers are used casually as needed with this approach, often part-time. Training pants and diaper-free time and specialized EC pants are also used.

Toilet training a toddler is a goal oriented activity involving weaning from diapers quickly after a child has worn diapers full-time for two or three years. In this article I'll use the analogy of baby swimming lessons to help you have an "Aha!" moment regarding the core difference between the two approaches.

Let's Compare Baby Swimming Lessons With Infant Potty Training:

When I took my baby to infant swimming classes, I didn't expect him to be able to swim. Yet, he could splash about, hold his breath underwater for a few moments quite instinctively and really enjoyed the special time with me or his Dad in the water. With baby swimming lessons, the experience is about supporting your baby, helping them to be familiar with and comfortable in the water. We don't expect them to be able to swim, yet we share delight in their tiny flashes of confidence.

It's the same with Infant Potty Training when practicing elimination communication - we don't expect our baby to be continent, to be able to use the potty independently, but with our help they can. Just as our baby can 'swim', our baby can use the potty and have a fun time interacting with us. With our help they have all these lovely moments to learn that the potty is a normal part of life, a fun object that means lots of eye contact, singing, clapping and smiling with their beloved parents! In between these 'potty breaks' they wear a diaper or training pants (EC Pants). You can see all the varieties now available at

Plus, with baby pottying your baby has the chance to communicate pre-verbally, to indicate their need to use the potty now and then from their earliest abilities. Even as a three month old, my son would lean over to his potty and let me know he needed to go. Not all the time, but this wonderful communication is all I really 'expected' - and I could see his thrill that he had made his needs known to me, even then! It's an opportunity for developing communication that wouldn't have been possible if wearing diapers full-time.

The question I ask you now is: "Have your eyes just widened in realization that you now 'get it', and can see that infant pottying is something you and your baby would enjoy practicing together?"

Discover the simplest ways to get started on your baby pottying adventure. It really is a doorway into another realm of communication and understanding of your baby. Infant Potty Training is fun, rewarding, and need not be messy - any more than changing a diaper is inevitably messy! With baby pottying, you'll skip some of those messy diaper changes.

About the Author

Pop over to Charndra's website on part time Baby Pottying, - you can join to receive a free e-course introducing you to the Secrets of EC Confidence. Over 40 Potty Songs, plenty of tips, resources and helpful ideas to make your journey easing into EC very smooth indeed.

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