Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Benefits of Breastfeeding, Not Just For Babies

Author: Steven A Johnson

You probably know that breast milk is the best option for your
baby, but what some people don’t know is that it is also a
benefit to you as well. It is excellent for your basic
nutrition, and has all the nutrients and vitamins your baby will
need for the child first six months! Different than formula your
body’s breast milk has tons of antibodies that fight disease and
keep your baby healthy.

Studies have shown that breast feeding reduces the risk and
symptoms of respiratory illnesses, loose stool, and ear
infections. It is influential that you choose breastfeeding for
at least the first six months of your child’s life to get the
most protection for you baby.

It is best to start breastfeeding immediately after birth. There
is a substance called colostrum, it is your bodies first signs
of milk. This liquid is important for you baby because it
prevents germs by creating a layer on the mucous membrane. This
layer covers the baby’s throat, intestines as well as the nose.
The hugest factor in the colostrum is called secretory
immunoglobulin A. It is mainly found in the colostrum and
decreases once your mature breast milk comes in. This is why
nursing right after birth is important for you baby’s health!

Reduce the risk of your baby of getting allergies! By
breastfeeding it will be less likely that your child will obtain
respiratory or food allergies later in life, and will protect
them through adulthood. Also your baby’s skin can prevent
eczema. Another study shows that breastfeeding lowered the risk
of your child having asthma.

Scientists believe the different immune factors such as
immunoglobulin A and fatty acids and that we talked about
earlier, will minimize allergies by eliminating huge amounts of
unidentified proteins from entering your baby's system. (The
proteins in your basic grocery store milk have the most common
allergens. Babies who are formula fed have more allergies than
children who are breastfed due to the fact the formula is cows’
milk based.)

Want to boost your baby’s intelligence? Breastfeeding is
connected to children having higher IQ’s! The fatty acids
contribute to this increase in brain power, and play a huge role
in the development of the brain. Also the emotional bond you get
with your baby while breastfeeding contributes to this hike in
intelligence as well. So not only are you creating a strong bond
with you and your bundle of joy, you are making him smarter.

After 61 studies and still counting nursing has proved to help
protect your child against obesity. They are not quite sure how
much it will reduce this risk but they do know that
breastfeeding plays some part in leading to a healthier

Reason being, babies that are not formula-fed can regulate their
feedings. This promotes healthier eating patterns into
childhood, and adolescence. Insulin enhances fatty tissues; this
type of insulin is found in formula. Compared to formula breast
milk has more protein. These proteins control your appetite and
fatty tissues. Babies that are formula-fed quickly gain weight
in the first weeks of life. This weight gain is a factor in
obesity. Where as breast-fed babies have a steady weight gain in
the first weeks of life.

Every new mother has the fear of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death
Syndrome). The studies have not shown that breastfeeding will
minimize the risk of SIDS, but there have been a lower number in
deaths caused by SIDS from babies who were breastfed. This
reason being, the milk your body produces lowers
gastrointestinal and respiratory infections. These infections
have been related to SIDS.

After a long day with the new baby, you need to relax. Good
news, nursing releases a hormone called oxytocin into the body
that makes you feel more relaxed. This hormone not only promotes
relaxation but a nurturing feeling as well.

Researchers say that the higher amounts of oxytocin in the body
the lower the blood pressure after a personal or stressful
issue. With that being said the nursing mothers compared to the
formula feeding mothers, were less stressed during these
studies. While you are nursing you body is using this hormone to
contract your uterus back to the original size. This means that
there will be less bleeding caused by the postpartum birth. When
your body is producing breast milk it is also burning calories.
So while your sitting there nursing you loved one your body is
dropping the pounds.

Studies have shown that women who beast fed for long periods of
time were more protected against two types of common cancers.
These cancers and breast and ovarian, to reduce the risk
breastfeeding should be done for about a year to have the most
effectiveness. The risk is reduced when your tissues in the
breast start changing caused by breastfeeding. When your body
lactates it releases estrogen into your body. Not only does the
estrogen decrease risk of the breast cancer but the ovarian
cancer as well.

Breastfeeding is not only improving your baby’s life, but yours
as well. To enhance all of the positive aspects of nursing try
Nursing Mother’s Tea by bell. It increases the richness in the
vitamins and minerals, and creates a healthy milk supply for
your infant.

About the author:
Steven Johnson is interested in maintaining a vital and healthy
lifestyle. For more information on various health products and
other life-enhancing nutrients please visit his website
Alternative Health Supplements.

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