Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Diaper Changing Tips

Author: Maximumhit

The average newborn baby needs diaper changing more than 10
times in 24 hours; here are the stepwise process that can help
diaper changing go a smoother for you and your baby.

Step 1: Understand when the diaper needs changing

Some babies cry when messy stuffs happens, but there are many
who don’t bother about this and stay calm and won’t make a
whimper. Thus it is very important to understand your baby’s
diaper changing needs, however this problem is faced with new
born babies and as they grow up you understand their diaper
changing needs in better way. If your baby squirming uneasily
then it can be a hint that you need to check your baby diaper,
develop a practice of checking your baby’s diaper frequently
because keeping your baby in mess for long can cause infection
and rushes.

Step 2: Put your baby on changing station

Gently take your baby to baby changing station, put the baby
there and use the straps with which you can secure your baby
comfortably on the surface. If you don’t have baby changing
station then we highly recommend you to buy one for your baby’s
comfort and security. Now, wash your hands with soap and water,
and be sure you have everything you need nearby.

Step 3: Remove the soiled diaper

Never be in hurry while you are changing diaper, take the enough
time and be gentle while you remove soiled diaper and complete
all steps starting with removal of adhesive tabs on diaper, then
open the sides of diaper, slowly slide the front portion of
diaper and take it all the way to the back, use soft hands while
you need to lift the baby’s bottom.

Step 4: Clean the baby properly

You can use neat portion of diaper to wipe the bottom of baby,
but always remember that wipe from the front to back otherwise
it can cause infection. Soak baby washcloth in water and clean
your baby’s bottom properly, for the same purpose you can use
moist cotton balls. After cleaning apply creams or ointments as
needed for rashes.

Step 5: Put on the new diaper

Slide new diaper under bottom of baby, If you are using pins
then have extra caution and keep your hand between pin and
baby’s skin otherwise it can hurt little one and always remember
that never wrap diaper too tightly. Finally, dispose of the
soiled diaper and any cleaning materials used during the
changing, wash your hands, as well as the baby changing station.

About the author:
If you are looking to buy a href="">baby changing
station from an online store then I have a website in mind
that stocks baby products and href=""> baby changing
stations of all types and quality brands. Visit link href=""> .

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