Monday, April 13, 2009

Start Choosing Your Own Baby Books

Author: Sittiwat

It is often claimed that the act of lecture with your baby helps a lot in their own development, but what is the criteria which can decide what are the appropriate baby books? The purpose of this article is to suggest the main criteria for the right baby books according to their age and possible interests.

1. For Recent Born Children Who See Things in Black and White:

At the beginning, when you have just had a baby you should take into account that it is extremely important to buy the indicated books so that your child could to his first steps in the field of intelligence and vigilance. You should look for books with:

-powerful contrasted images as their sight is in a progressive development, they can best see at approximately one foot distancemoreover, the high-contrast pictures which are created by means of bullets and stripes are more appealing to them. You should buy baby books colored in black and white and with little text included.Recent research has shown that babies are fascinated by the human figure so the appropriate baby books should render many face expressions of both children and grown-ups.

-text with rhyme:it is very important that your baby hears the sound of your voice while you read and more important is that what you read must provide a certain rythm which can be associated with the one of the heartbeat. This makes an invaluable language lesson which will come in hand later.

2.For One-Year-Old Babies, Attractive Pictures:

On their firs
t anniversary, babies start participating in the process of reading by pointing and making incoherent noise but it is very important. For maintaining their interest the baby books should be very attractive and fascinating this meaning for them highly colored books which never repeat their illustrations and maintain the same curiosity level.

3.Activity Baby Books

These baby books are very special as they involve the first contact between the baby and themselves. They need to be very original and well-thought so as to help the baby focus and explore. The pictures should be brightly colored and should include some elements which provoke a certain sensation when touched. Try to find those books which include a rabbit for instance with its tale made by real fur. The baby will be fascinated.

4.Bedtime Stories

They are very special because they increase the will for learning and a will to sleep.The stories should render the subject of the importance of sleep in one's life or any other subject related to this. As you can see the aspect of choosing baby books is not so simple and if you fail this would cause trouble to your baby. Consider this and start shopping!

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