Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Home Remedies for Jaundice

Author: naturalremedies

Jaundice is a disease caused due to vitiation of the pitta
dosha. It is called as kamala. When there is an excessive
circulation of the bile pigments in the blood, then this disease
is caused. Pitta dosha controls the bile pigments.

Causes of Jaundice:

Jaundice is caused by an increasing amount of bilirubin in the
blood. When red blood cells break down, the heme in their
hemoglobin is converted to bilirubin. The bilirubin is processed
by the liver where it is eliminated in bile. The hemoglobin is
in the red cells of the blood that carries oxygen in your cells.
As red blood cells die your body builds new cells to replace
them and the old ones are processed by the liver. If any reason
the red blood cells die rate faster than as usual, bilirubins
can collect in the blood and cause jaundice. Other causes of
jaundice are anemia and other diseases which affect the liver
such as malaria, yellow fever, typhoid and tuberculosis.
Jaundice that is present at the time of birth suggests a more
serious cause of the jaundice. In fact, bilirubin levels in the
blood become raised in almost all babies during the first few
days following birth, and jaundice becomes more than half

Symptoms of Jaundice:

The main symptoms of jaundice are headache, fever, extreme point
weakness, yellow eyes, skin, tongue, Dark urine, Light-colored
stool. The patient also feels abdominal pain or swelling in the
liver region. At the starting movement jaundices also irritates
with intense itching.

Treatment for Jaundice:

1. Juices of bitter vegetables like the bitter gourd are very
effective in treating jaundice. Mash the vegetable and extract
their juices by pressing with a cloth. This juice must be
ideally had in the early morning. One glassful of juice per day
is recommended.

2. Prepare a cupful of juice of beetroot and lemon in equal
proportions. Having this juice for a few days will definitely
cure jaundice.

3. Extract juice of amalaki (Indian gooseberry, Emblica
officinalis). Have this juice thrice in a day in a teaspoonful
quantity. This is a potent remedy for all kinds of liver

4. Berberis is a very effective herb for all kinds of liver
ailments, especially jaundice. So effective is the herb that it
is nicknamed ‘jaundice berry’.

5. All parts of the chicory plant are useful in the treatment of
liver ailments.

6. The root of the gokulakanta plant is potent in the treatment
of liver diseases such as jaundice and hepatitis.

7. Indian aloe is an excellent remedy for liver problems such as

8. Alcohol is very dangerous to a jaundice patient.

9. The fat intake should be limited. Even curds must not be
given to the jaundice patient. Buttermilk can be given if the
butter has been carefully removed from it.

10. Snake gourd is taken as an infusion of its leaves for the
treatment of jaundice. It is generally to be taken with

11. Turpeth is the other best Ayurvedic remedy for jaundice. It
is known as nisoth in Ayurveda.

12. Fresh vegetables must be included in the diet. They must be
cooked in minimum oil and kept as green as possible.

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Remedies for Itching and href="">Hom
e Remedies for Jaundice

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