Saturday, April 11, 2009

What If Your Child Was Born A Genius?

Author: Elaine Mak

What if you could show your child how to discover, unlock and
develop their natural talents and creativity? Every parent has
the right to know how they can be in the best position to help
their children develop their unique gifts and talents. You can
equip your young children with the knowledge and skills to
become masters of their own learning. Not many people know that
babies or young children can learn math at reading as young as a
month-old. With the right technique, young children can learn to

1. Individual gifts and talents
2. An effective and flexible learning strategy suitable for them
3. Independent thinking skills
4. Their own creativity

Learning to read early and learning math early in babies or
young children is probably one of the most important skills that
are essential for children development. It is equally important
that parents spend some time teaching reading and math to their
children early in life as part of child education.

Have you considered how an Einstein, da Vinci or Beethoven
thought so creatively, learned their area of expertise and
developed their talents to such a level? When I started my
research, the first thing I noticed about the lives of past
geniuses was that having the opportunities to learn new things
early on in life and express their individual ideas had been an
important factor in their development from childhood.

Today, children of school age are exposed to tests for basic
skills and for just about everything else. Statistical
inferences are used often to gauge the children’s abilities.
Just think what past geniuses might make of all this if they
were alive today. What if the manner in which we learn had
become so basic-skills focused, so test oriented that if, say,
Beethoven was in junior school he may not only be bored, but
very frustrated with tests after tests, because it was as if his
individual gifts, thinking and creativity were hampered at every
corner? Likewise, a child need not be a Beethoven or an Einstein
to feel the same way.

With the coming of the global knowledge economy, it has become
relevant to underline the importance of individual ideas,
creativity, independent thinking and intellectual property. But
none of these 21st century ‘facts of life’ are congruent with
traditional mass education systems the roots of which lie in the
19th century. This has led to a re-think for the educational
systems around the world. You may not realize this but your
child is in the middle of great changes in education. So why is
there a need to change? Traditionally, mass education systems
were designed to prepare your child to pass examinations. Jobs
and careers were for life.

Today, economies have become volatile and jobs and careers
likely to change. Children of the next generation can expect to
have a range of careers as new markets and technologies come out
and more opportunities are created. The speed of communications
technology will mean that new knowledge is being produced
rapidly all the time. The ability therefore not just to learn,
but learn rapidly, and see learning as a life-long process
rather than having ended in school, will be the norm. What edge
can we give our children today, to help them get a brain that
can learn fast and learn new concepts to prepare them for the
world tomorrow? A brain that is as creative as it is flexible in
its thinking, to identify new patterns to can be transferred in
different areas?

Again, lets consider what would Beethoven, Einstein or da Vinci
thought about all this happening around them, if they were
children, knowing how rapidly the world is changing around them,
looking outside their classroom window and wondering what they
would do when they left school?

About the author:
Elaine Mak has created a new program to help your young child
learn faster at an early age. To get a free preview, please

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