Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What To Do If You Have Poor Milk Supply

Author: Jillian Smith

Almost all women don't have a problem with producing enough milk
to breast feed. The ideal way to make sure that your baby is
getting enough milk is to be sure that he's well positioned,
attached to the breast, and feed him as often as he gets hungry.

Some mom's that are breast feeding will stop before they want
to, simply because they don't think they have enough breast

There are signs that might make you believe your baby isn't
getting enough milk. If your baby seems hungry or unsettled
after feeding, or if he wants to feed often with short pauses
between feedings, you may think he isn't getting enough milk -
which are often times not the case.

There are however, two reliable signs that let you know your
baby isn't getting enough milk. If your baby has poor or really
slow weight gain, or is passing small amounts of concentrated
urine, he's not getting enough milk.

All babies will lose weight within the first few days after
birth. Babies are born with supplies of fat and fluids, which
will help them keep going for the first several days.

Once your baby regains birth weight, he should begin putting on
around 200g for the first four months or so. To get back to
their birth weight, it normally takes a few weeks.

If the weight gain for your baby seems to be slow, don't
hesitate to ask your doctor or nurse to observe you breast
feeding. This way, they can make sure that your technique is
right and if they think your baby is breast feeding often

To help you with your breast feeding, here are some ways that
you can increase your supply of milk: 1. Be sure that your baby
is positioned correctly and attached to your breast.

2. Let your baby feed for as long and often as he wants.

3. If you feel that your baby isn't breast feeding enough,
offer him more breast feeds.

4. During each breast feed, make sure you feed from both

5. If your baby has been using a dummy, make sure you stop him.

6. Some babies may be sleepy and reluctant to feed, which may
be the cause of problems with milk supply.

By following the above tips, you'll do your part in making sure
you have enough milk when it comes time to breast feed. If you
are uncertain or have other questions, be sure to ask your
doctor, as he can answer any type of question you may have.

About the author:
To learn about corgi training and corgi adoption, visit the About Animals website.

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