Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Baby Steps Lead to Danger

Author: Johnny

Catherine is a mother of twins. Their names are Jim and Joshua, and they are about 2 years old. Although they are twins, they are very different. Jim is adventurous, while Joshua is more relaxed. Jim likes a challenge, while Joshua seems content. Catherine can put Joshua in the playpen and be sure he will remain. Jim on the other hand will have a fit from the confinement. He likes to roam through out the house. Catherine takes good care of them, which keeps her very busy. One day while Catherine was on the telephone; Jim managed to climb out of their baby pen. He made his way to the kitchen cabinets. He open the doors and began to investigate. He took most of the items out and gave them the once over, and threw them aside. It just so happens that there was a mousetrap under the sink with a heavy duty spring. Catherine always took care, not to store poisonous cleaning supplies under the sink, but there was a mouse in the house, so they set the trap. Jim crawled under sink and saw the trap. He grabbed the trap. Nothing happen at first, but Jim kept playing with the trap. All of a sudden the trap snapped with a force, and hit two of Jims fingers. Jim let out a screamed. Catherine rushed into the kitchen and found the trap caught on Jims fingers. He was in agony. She took the trap off
his fingers tried to calm him. She gathered up the twins and rushed to the emergency room. It turned out, that the trap hit Jims fingers with such force that it broke them. Jim was eventually able to use his fingers again after several weeks recovery. Thousand of home accidents involving kids are reported each year. They range from cuts and scrapes to death. Unfortunately, children always seek out the most dangerous parts of the home to make their playgrounds. Places such as the Kitchen and bathrooms, are favorites of children, and present many hazards to their health. As adults, it is our duty to protect the youngsters from danger. We must remove hazards or keep the children away from them. Placing latches on cabinets is a simple way to keep a child from being injured. Unprotected corners, which are present throughout the home, are especially dangerous. When hit with any amount of force, they can easily leave a nasty gash. This is compounded by the fact that children frequently fall, especially when learning to walk. Electrical sockets also attract children, who are naturally curious. They are no place for wet fingers and tongues. Every home has hazards. Be aware of your homes hazards. Teach your youngsters to respect the things that will cause the harm. You are their safety net.

Article Source: http://www.BestToRead.com/

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